Winter is...never coming!
The iconic phrase from Game of Thrones "Winter is coming" is such a blissful thought today as we peak close to 90 degrees for yet another really, really hot Halloween in Texas. Parents, make sure the kiddos wear summer costumes for trick or treat, think Flinstones, Victoria Secret model not Game of Thrones characters.
I'm a firm believer in climate change because summer seems to last longer and longer every year, even as the leaves start to change on the trees, the heat continues to linger. For the past week, the temperatures have hovered around 88 degrees, no rain in sight. Ocassionally, we get a day here or there where its actually cool, about 70 degrees. The poor horses don't know whether to grow their hair or shed their coat, so confusing !
Even my garden is in distress. Usually by now I have a plethora of fall tomatoes, green peppers, and herbs and this month I'm lucky to pick two or three red roma tomatoes off the vines. I still have to water everyday and I'm wondering if I will ever need to use my greenhouse again. I planted a mexican palm in the front corner garden along with beautiful yellow mums. The palm is twice the size it was when I bought it and all of my mums have died due to the heat - even the fall mums can't take the prolonged heat.
So, here's to a great Halloween everyone - enjoy! Pray for cooler weather and a white Christmas!